Magija Apricot brandy 700ml .It is served at room temperature or cooled down to cellar temperature at maximum and no less than 15 degrees. It is usually served as aperitif, and it may be served at the end of a meal, with fruits and desserts. It has been used as a base of different refreshment cocktails recently.
Country: SerbiaAlcohol Volume: 40%
It is served at room temperature or cooled down to cellar temperature at maximum and no less than 15 degrees. It is usually served as aperitif, and it may be served at the end of a meal, with fruits and desserts. It has been used as a base of different refreshment cocktails recently.
Country: SerbiaAlcohol Volume: 40%
Premium Gift Box with two exclusive glasses available in 4 different flavours Kraljica Plum brandy, Magija Apricot brandy,Nostalgija Quince brandy ,Nirvana Vilijamovka Pear brandy and Medenka Honey brandy 700ml
It is recommended to be served at room temperature ...
Country: Serbia
Alcohol 25-42%%
"Grof" London dry gin London dry gin The finest juniper from our area makes the basis of this unique London dry gin. Always present cardamom, anise and coriander are indispensable. Moreover, Grof is additionally enriched with macerates of hand-picked plants from our area, such as angelica root, liquorice and many others. •
Package:700ml ,Country of...
The King is here, the King is here Love will never ever leave.
KRALJ je konjak od šljive, prvo i jedinstveno piće te vrste na svetu.
Alc/Vol 40%
Product of Serbia
Rich and sophisticated fragrance of real fruit dominates the taste of this brandy, which is harmonious and with a final touch of pure oak flavour.
One may drink "Kraljica" in all occasions, and usually as aperitif. It is served at room temperature or cooled down to cellar temperature at maximum when it releases its full and rich flavour
Kraljica 14 osvojila je Veliku zlatnu medalju i svrstana među 25 najboljih žestokih pića na svetu, rame u rame sa prvoklasnim konjakom, viskijem i rumom.Sljivovica sa geografskim poreklom KRALJICA, toliko različita od svih ostalih šljivovica, znali smo da će biti prepoznata i odlično prihvaćena. Samo autohtone stare sorte šljiva, požegača, trnovača i...
This brandy has a golden colour due to added honey and a full and rich flavour. The flavour is characterized by pleasant, rich and medium-long honey taste.
It is recommended to be served at room temperature, usually as aperitif, but due to its rich honey taste it may go well with fruit desserts or chocolate cakes.
Country: SerbiaAlcohol Volume: 23%
Pear brandy has a sophisticated fragrance characteristic for the pear cultivar. It has a rich, impressive and appealing long-lasting flavour. It is served at temperature up to 15°C.
Country: SerbiaAlcohol Volume: 40%